Our Beliefs


We believe
that God is self-existent, creator of heaven and earth, and of all mankind. He is the only true God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three in one.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, the Word incarnate, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. He was crucified and died on the cross as atonement for sins. He was resurrected, ascended into Heaven, and is the mediator between God and Man.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is Comforter to the believers. He convicts people of sin and leads them to repentance. He abides forever with believers, leads them into the truth, and sanctifies them.
We believe that the Bible, consisting of sixty-six books, is the Word of God, fully inspired and without error in the original manuscripts, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit; and that it has supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
We believe that Man is created by God according to His image, and is depraved because of sin. Man must be born again by the Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ unto salvation and remission of sin in order to enter into the Kingdom of God.
We believe that the Church is the body of Christ, who is its head. The Church is the family of God, consisting of all born again Christians.
We believe in the personal and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to earth and the establishment of His Kingdom.
We believe in the resurrection of the body, the final judgment, the eternal blessedness of the righteous, and the endless suffering of the wicked.


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