Evergreen Fellowship​

 Psalms 92:14   They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and green.

Evergreen fellowship is for senior Christians and friends. We meet once a month and we sing hymns, study the Bible and build on the WORD. During our fellowship meetings, we share our life experiences and encourage and care for each other. We build up each other in our faith and hope ; and through GOD's love, we experience the joy in our lives. We also hold special meetings such as potluck gatherings, health seminars, outdoor activities to strengthen our relationships. We continue to renew our spiritual lives and just like the Bible says, even when you get old, you must bear fruits. We welcome you to the Evergreen fellowship group and together, we can experience the joy of Christ and renewal of our lives. In order to make it accessible to people near and far, we hold the meetings either online using Zoom or in-person, whichever is the most appropriate at the time.

Regular Meeting Time: The third Saturday of every month, 4 - 6 pm

Special Meeting: Once Every Quarter (as scheduled)

Meeting location: Glory Christian Church of San Diego (or online via Zoom)

Contact person: Jay Liaw

Phone number: (858) 610-2791

Email: jliaw99@gmail.com





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